Which of these 5 List Building Activities Are You Outsourcing?
As the old saying goes, when you want something done right, sometimes you shouldn’t do it yourself! That’s right, some things you shouldn’t do yourself, particularly if you are a digital marketer! You already spend time…
- launching campaigns,
- generating traffic,
- writing emails, and
- all the other day-to-day activities needed for success.
Wouldn’t you like to free up time while having experts handle routine and time-consuming list building tasks? You are then free to focus on more strategic, business-building functions.
Content Creation
Writing social media updates, blogs, articles, press releases and web page copy is extremely time consuming. And unless you enjoy that sort of thing, it is difficult and tedious! The good news is, you don’t have to do this all yourself. In fact, you can find quality writers online who can create all your content for you and who are experts in SEO.
A quick online search for article writers will provide an endless source of quality sites that focus on creating content. Some can provide additional services including submission of your articles to directories, social networking sites and even update your website for you. Check here for my recommendations.
Trying to keep up with ever-changing social networking sites such as Facebook’s recent conversion to allow iframes can be tricky. But there is someone out there who is an expert in Facebook. You can outsource to someone who can provide regular content for your and even design a custom page for your business.
Video Marketing
Just like with article writing you can outsource to someone who will create a video and upload it to all the popular video sharing sites. Be sure to include a link to your opt-in form in the video description and a link in the video itself.
Some of the best list building techniques focus on forums. Spend a little time locating the top forums in your niche and then hire someone to represent your business in these forums.
Be sure that whoever you choose is proficient in your language of choice. It should be someone who can accurately answer questions and reply to open threads. You can even have them create your profiles, just be sure to supply a link to your lead capture page in your forum signature.
One of the increasing popular ways to build a list is to use Twitter. Twitter allows you to post quick updates to a selection of targeted people. You can even post links to your blog post, affiliate products, or free gift. Unfortunately, Twitter can be very time consuming. This is why you should look into outsourcing to someone who can update and maintain your profile information and create valuable tweets.
Outsourcing Recommendations
Nearly every function can be outsourced. Just because something is tedious doesn’t mean it’s not important. But you cannot and should not expect to be an expert in all areas. Seriously think about outsourcing each one of these. Top contenders are those you don’t care to do or those you are not yet doing but want to. By outsourcing one, two, or all of these tasks, you can get more accomplished in a shorter amount of time and keep your business moving forward.
Get your hands on the latest list-building tips the experts use to create profit streams that just don’t quit. To get your hands on these tips, visit Turbo Charge Your List Building.